PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (6 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
Hero ($149)
SB ($99)
BB ($83.30)
UTG ($205.45)
MP ($100)
CO ($98.50)
Preflop: Hero is Button with 4:d:, 3:d:.
UTG calls $1,
2 folds, Hero calls $1,
1 fold, BB checks.
Flop: ($3.50) Q:h:, 4:c:, 4:h:(3 players)</font>
BB checks,
UTG bets $2,
Hero raises to $5, BB folds, UTG calls $3.
Turn: ($13.50) 4:s:(2 players)</font>
UTG checks,
Hero bets $17, UTG calls $17.
River: ($47.50) 7:h:(2 players)</font>
UTG checks,
Hero bets $45, UTG calls $45.
Final Pot: $137.50
Main Pot: $137.50, between Hero and UTG. >
Pot won by Hero ($137.50).
Results in white below:
UTG has Qc 9c (full house, fours full of queens).
Hero has 4d 3d (four of a kind, fours).
Outcome: Hero wins $137.50.
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