Ведь знаю же нельзя в фишей блефовать, а тем более в фишей со стеком :( и как назло у него худобедно рука есть, еще и флоп подходит.
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 2.2 Tournament, 150/300 Blinds 40 Ante (9 handed) -
Poker-Stars Converter Tool from
saw flop |
saw showdown
Button (t12225)
Hero (SB) (t6365)
BB (t15508)
UTG (t19744)
UTG+1 (t31132)
MP1 (t6636)
MP2 (t6768)
MP3 (t11560)
CO (t6689)
Hero's M: 7.86
Preflop: Hero is SB with K

, Q
7 folds,
Hero bets t900, BB calls t600
Flop: (t2160) 8

, 7

, 3
(2 players)
Hero bets t1200, BB calls t1200
Turn: (t4560) 6
(2 players)
Hero bets t4225 (All-In), BB calls t4225
River: (t13010) 7
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Total pot: t13010
Hero had K

, Q

(one pair, sevens).
BB had 5

, 5

(two pair, sevens and fives).
Outcome: BB won t13010