Старый 03.12.2011, 15:54     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
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Адрес: Харьков
Сообщений: 137
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Оп - рыба, PokerStars
Format Games Rating Profit ROI Stake
All_____ 103 ____27 _($310) -37.8% $8

статы 80/20/inf (vpip, pfr, af) рук мало

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 15 Tournament, 10/20 Blinds (6 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com

UTG (t1500)
MP (t1460)
CO (t1470)
Button (t1470)
SB (t1600)
Hero (BB) (t1500)

Hero's M: 50.00

Preflop: Hero is BB with J, J
1 fold, MP bets t40, 2 folds, SB calls t30, Hero raises to t140, MP raises to t240, 1 fold, Hero calls t100

Flop: (t520) Q, 10, 9 (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets t160, Hero ??????
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