PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t30 (9 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
saw flop|
saw showdown
MP1 (t4905)
MP2 (t1455)
Hero (t1805)
CO (t2995)
Button (t1120)
SB (t1420)
BB (t610)
UTG (t2550)
UTG+1 (t2130)
Preflop: Hero is MP3 with 9:d:, 9:h:.
3 folds, MP2 calls t30,
Hero raises to t120,
2 folds, SB calls t105,
1 fold, MP2 calls t90.
Flop: (t390) 3:d:, 5:d:, T:d:
(3 players)
SB checks, MP2 checks,
Hero bets t240, SB calls t240, MP2 folds.
Turn: (t870) 9:c:(2 players)</font>
SB checks,
Hero bets t400, SB calls t400.
River: (t1670) Q:d:
(2 players)
SB bets t660 (All-In), Hero folds.
Final Pot: t2330
Results in white below:
SB doesn't show.
Outcome: SB wins t2330.
Что-то не нравится мне, как я здесь сыграл. Может, все-таки, колл на ривере ? Или оленя надо было на терне ?