Вот такое вот хреновое лето
Сел сейчас покатал пару часиков, 500 рук - свалился в минус два стека, это при том, что за первую сотню рук шел в плюс два.
И вроде понимаю, что играю не правильно, но все равно в моменте лажаю:
1. Опп не известный пару раздач назад сел за стол.
Раздача называется Фиш-стайл в исполнении Стебана.
OnGame's Room No-Limit Hold'em, $0.60 BB (5 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
saw flop|
saw showdown
BB ($30.72)
UTG ($55.58)
MP ($8.75)
Button ($107.24)
Huembei ($60.25)
Preflop: Huembei is SB with 2:s:, 2:d:.
1 fold, MP calls $0.30,
1 fold, Huembei completes, BB checks.
Flop: ($0.90) 6:c:, Q:s:, 2:h:(3 players)</font>
Huembei checks,
BB bets $1, MP folds, Huembei calls $1.
Turn: ($2.90) 5:c:(2 players)</font>
Huembei checks,
BB bets $2, Huembei calls $2.
River: ($6.90) A:c:(2 players)</font>
Huembei bets $5.1,
BB raises to $18,
Huembei raises to $30.9, BB calls $9.42 (All-In).
Final Pot: $65.22
Main Pot: $61.74, between BB and Huembei. >
Pot won by BB ($61.74).
Pot 2: $3.48, returned to Huembei.
Results in white below:
BB has Qc 8c (flush, ace high).
Huembei has 2s 2d (three of a kind, twos).
Outcome: BB wins $61.74. Huembei wins $3.48.
2. Называется, какогго хрена ты туда вообще полез :x
Опп 32/20. Захотелось поиграть с ним постфлоп. Ну и поиграл
OnGame's Room No-Limit Hold'em, $0.60 BB (4 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
saw flop|
saw showdown
SB ($46.82)
Huembei ($48.55)
UTG ($80.69)
Button ($30.00)
Preflop: Huembei is BB with J:d:, J:c:.
1 fold,
Button raises to $1.2, SB calls $1.05,
Huembei raises to $5.3,
Button raises to $13.2, SB folds, Huembei calls $7.90.
Flop: ($27.60) 6:s:, 5:s:, 9:c:(2 players)</font>
Huembei checks,
Button bets $16.8 (All-In), Huembei calls $16.80.
Turn: ($61.20) 8:d:
(2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ($61.20) 6:d:
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $61.20
Main Pot: $61.20, between Huembei and Button. >
Pot won by Button ($61.20).
Results in white below:
Huembei has Jd Jc (two pair, jacks and sixes).
Button has 7h 8h (straight, nine high).
Outcome: Button wins $61.20.
3. А вот здесь даже и не знаю как нужно было. Опп 67/15 - фишара.
OnGame's Room No-Limit Hold'em, $0.60 BB (4 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
saw flop|
saw showdown
UTG ($72.62)
Huembei ($53.38)
SB ($64.95)
BB ($29.43)
Preflop: Huembei is Button with T:d:, T:h:.
UTG calls $0.30,
Huembei raises to $1,
1 fold, BB calls $0.70, UTG calls $0.70.
Flop: ($3.15) 9:d:, 6:h:, 7:s:(3 players)</font>
BB checks, UTG checks,
Huembei bets $3.15, BB calls $3.15, UTG folds.
Turn: ($9.45) 8:h:(2 players)</font>
BB checks,
Huembei bets $9.45,
BB raises to $18.9,
Huembei raises to $28.35, BB calls $6.38 (All-In).
River: ($63.08) 8:d:
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $63.08
Main Pot: $60.01, won by Huembei.
Pot 2: $3.06, returned to Huembei.
Results in white below:
BB has Jh Tc (straight, jack high).
Huembei has Td Th (straight, ten high).
Outcome: Huembei wins $63.07.