PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t30 (9 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
MP3 (t1250)
CO (t1445)
Button (t1240)
SB (t2300)
BB (t1090)
Hero (t2820)
UTG+1 (t1795)
MP1 (t1370)
MP2 (t1690)
Preflop: Hero is UTG with T:h:, T:c:.
Hero raises to t100,
1 fold,
MP1 raises to t240,
6 folds, Hero calls t140.
Flop: (t525) 4:h:, 6:d:, 9:d:
(2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 checks.
Turn: (t525) 9:c:(2 players)</font>
Hero bets t350, MP1 calls t350.
River: (t1225) 3:c:(2 players)</font>
Hero checks,
MP1 bets t780 (All-In), Hero calls t780.
Final Pot: t2785
Results in white below:
Hero has Th Tc (two pair, tens and nines).
MP1 has 9h 9s (four of a kind, nines).
Outcome: MP1 wins t2785.