Тема: Poker Bot - WTF???
Старый 06.12.2008, 13:24   #8 (permalink)
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Не, как раз наоборот, Бот смотрит в базу, чтобы выяснить как Хинт сыграл такую же руку...

Его уже забанили со старзов, скоро начнут и с ФТП.
Если бы бот приносил хотя бы $5/час, то никто бы не продавал его за $139 нет ли желающих приобрести и испытать?

С одного форума:

Below is a copy of an email recieved by a friend who was testing this product. Even though I discouraged him from purchasing he went ahead and did so. He has since had his personal account closed and his funds confiscated. Although he may be able to get the account re-opened and the funds returned it still is a crappy situation. Everyone be forewarned...Stars dont fuck around when it comes to botting. Keep away.

By the way...the bot site plainly stated that the product was 'undetectable'. This of course was a bunch of crap. I would encourage everyone to stay away from this product until more is known or at least the dust settles.

Смысл сообщения в том, что "его друг" купил этого бота, и "другу" закрыли аккаунт, деньги изъяли. Надежды что вернут и разблочат почти нет.

Так же он говорит о том, что бот разрекламирован как "необнаруживаемый", а на деле это полная х-ня. Вобщем держитесь от бота подальше.

И далее текст письма от старзов:



PokerStars Game Security has identified your PokerStars account as being among a group of users that has tested or purchased a program known as ICM-BOT. This program's features include two items that makes this program against the rules of PokerStars: an in-game ICM/Nash Equilibrium calculator and an automated "robot" player feature. The ICM calculator or "brain" appears to not even be the original work of the author of ICM-BOT but is instead exactly the same software as another prohibited program, SNG End Game Tools.

use of this software under any circumstances is against our terms of service. Those terms of service are located here:


Among them are these terms:

5.5. AUTOMATIC PLAYERS (BOTS). The use of artificial
intelligence including, without limitation, "robots" is
strictly forbidden in connection with the Service. All
actions taken in relation to the Service by a User must
be executed personally by players through the user
interface accessible by use of the Software.

5.6. You agree that PokerStars may take steps to detect and
prevent the use of prohibited EPA Programs. These steps
may include, but are not limited to, examination of
software programs running concurrently with the PokerStars
Software on the User's computer.

5.8. FRAUDULENT BEHAVIOR. In the event that PokerStars deems
that a User has engaged .... in any of the activities set
forth above or any other game manipulation ... PokerStars
shall be entitled to take such action as it sees fit,
including immediately blocking access to the Service,
terminating such User's account with PokerStars, seizing
all monies held in the User's PokerStars account...

PokerStars takes its obligation to the integrity of its games seriously, and cannot permit such programs as ICM-BOT to operate.

On the author's FAQ page (http://www.icmbot.com/faq/) the author claims that ICM-Bot is undetectable. This is completely untrue and in fact his security measures are laughably inadequate and do not come close to preventing detection. PokerStars can easily detect ICM-Bot (even if you follow the custom instructions on "how to run it securely from a remote or virtual machine").

Also despite the author's FAQ, PokerStars is *not* "understanding", and does not merely "discourage" the use of bots — bots are outright prohibited and willful use of a bot despite knowing they are prohibited is a barring/confiscation offense. PokerStars does indeed prefer to warn players who truly did not know that a bot was against the rules, but PokerStars considers the use of any bot with stealthing or cloaking technologies to be prima facie evidence that the user was aware of the rules against bots and chose to use them anyway. This generally escalates the first time offense into confiscation and barring territory.

As our preference here would be for ICM-BOT to be withdrawn from the market, we are not going to immediately confiscate your funds. Your account has been temporarily closed and you will serve a minimum of a two week time out from participation on PokerStars.

In order for your account to be restored after that time, we require that you acknowledge and accept by Email the "no bots, no ICM" rules as posted in the "PokerStars Prohibited Programs FAQ" here:


At the end of your suspension, you may Email us to consider re-opening your account in a probationary status.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


PokerStars Game Security


В письме говорится, что бот обнаружен бла-бла-бла, вы нарушили пункты правил такие-то, но т.к. это было первый раз деньги не заберём, а просто поставим Вас в угол на 2 недели и через 2 недели вы сможете снова играть, до повторного нарушения правил.
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