Старый 30.06.2009, 23:11     TS Старый   #800 (permalink)
Аватар для DonkVsFish
Регистрация: 13.09.2008
Адрес: moscow
Сообщений: 2,517
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $50+$5 Tournament, 10/20 Blinds (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com

SB (t2950)
BB (t3190)
UTG (t3130)
UTG+1 (t2590)
MP1 (t2860)
Hero (MP2) (t2810)
CO (t2940)
Button (t3530)

Hero's M: 93.67

Preflop: Hero is MP2 with J, J
3 folds, Hero bets t120, 1 fold, Button calls t120, 1 fold, BB raises to t300, Hero calls t180, Button calls t180

Flop: (t910) Q, 8, 9 (3 players)
BB bets t680, Hero calls t680, 1 fold

Turn: (t2270) K (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

River: (t2270) J (2 players)
BB bets t600, Hero calls t600

Total pot: t3470

BB had A, A (flush, Ace high).
Hero mucked J, J (three of a kind, Jacks).
Outcome: BB won t3470

в 80КГ по 55) кладут же еще гад шот в позе.. я АК положил...
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