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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (9 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
MP2 (t450)
MP3 (t385)
CO (t3115)
Button (t3110)
SB (t2215)
BB (t2285)
Hero (t6750)
UTG+1 (t9335)
MP1 (t3385)
Preflop: Hero is UTG with T:d:, T:s:.
Hero raises to t300,
4 folds,
CO raises to t450,
3 folds, Hero calls t150.
Flop: (t1125) 2:d:, 6:s:, 3:d:
(2 players)
Hero checks,
CO bets t450,
Hero raises to t5400, CO calls t2215 (All-In).
Turn: (t9190) Q:s:(2 players, 1 all-in)</font>
River: (t9190) T:c:(2 players, 1 all-in)</font>
Final Pot: t9190
Results in white below:
Hero has Td Ts (three of a kind, tens).
CO has Ad Ah (one pair, aces).
Outcome: Hero wins t9190.