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Старый 31.08.2009, 13:19     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 13.04.2009
Сообщений: 17
Вчера пытался сделать первый кэшаут с william hilla, где-то через часа два у меня закрылся доступ в кассу, а на почту пришло письмо - Thank you for gaming at William Hill Poker Club.

We are currently processing your withdrawal request\s.

Our policy requires that once players have reached a certain amount of deposits, the player declares their deposits with the casino.

Below you would find a detailed list of all the transactions you have made with the casino. Print out this email, review it carefully, sign it next to your username on the top and at the bottom; next to the "Signature" space, on each pages you printed. Please fax it back to us at the number provided.

Also, could you provide a copy of some form of identification which shows the address registered in the account and copies of the front and back of the credit card/s registered in the account.
For security reasons please cover CVV2 on the back of the credit card/s and part of the digits on the front of your credit card/s leaving only the first six and last four digits of the credit card visible.
Username: удалено мной

Date Credit Card # Amount

удалено мной


Please sign and fax the above to:

North America (Toll-Free): United Kingdom: 0800-066-4293
International: +63-275-678-05

You are a valued customer at the William Hill Poker Club, and we honour your patronage. We require this information to ensure both the safety of our players and the casino.

Upon receipt and approval of the above documentation your withdrawals will be processed ASAP.

Please note that if you had already furnished us with any of the requested items and they were approved you are not required to send them again.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the William Hill Poker Club's Support Team. We are available 24 Hours a day, seven days a week. Помогите с переводом - что им надо от меня?
levrik вне форума      
Старый 31.08.2009, 14:45   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 14.08.2009
Адрес: казань
Сообщений: 614
Отправить сообщение для WhiteShAArKK с помощью ICQ
есть же отдельная тема для перевода текстов
WhiteShAArKK вне форума      
Старый 31.08.2009, 23:02   #3 (permalink)
Регистрация: 17.02.2004
Адрес: Russia
Сообщений: 4,469
А чего там переводить? Подписать бумажку, приложить скан карты, счёта и паспорта и отослать им.
Подробности во Вводе-выводе "ЧаВо по докам".
Yura вне форума      

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